Thats cos you wuz hitting the wrong spanner wiv the wrong hammer, You don't know nowt do yer.

Evenin Mr. Grunt!

Thanks a lot mate;)

i'll av t save up me pokit munny fer one o them. Or just keep guessin if its in or out :eek:
OOOo now then !

thurs 2 switchis on this, one has 2 spade connectors,(which im arseumin is me diff lock sw) an the other has a 3 pin plug n sockit affair with i think 2 wires!

which n which then?????:eek:
Aye mine are like that, reckon the spadey one is the earlier one and the socket an plug one is the later. Rimmer had both types dint they.
Aye mine are like that, reckon the spadey one is the earlier one and the socket an plug one is the later. Rimmer had both types dint they.

Noooo yer norunderstandin me propper !
me transfer box has both types onnit the one buster postid is the one thar HB bustid !:rolleyes:
Noooo yer norunderstandin me propper !
me transfer box has both types onnit the one buster postid is the one thar HB bustid !:rolleyes:

I wass'nt me!!! I dint touch it. All I did was get in the way! Un roll yer fags un mek yer tea un bacon sandwichis un constuct you a wunnerful fookin 'injin hoist' out o junk I found in the yard so yer dint pop yer fookin ARSEHOLE out liftin yer gear an transfer boxes back in!!!:rolleyes: :D
So HBs' bustid the cheaper bastid that Buster postid. So it wuz HB that was hittin yer fave spanner wiv yer fave ammer then, yer see thats wot happens when peeple try to help.
So HBs' bustid the cheaper bastid that Buster postid. So it wuz HB that was hittin yer fave spanner wiv yer fave ammer then, yer see thats wot happens when peeple try to help.

OBJECKSHUN YER ONNER!!! I was'nt tryin ter help. Was tryin ter get in the way. And I suceeded.

Oh! OH!!! Well Mr Mondo! Next time yer need an 'HB patented injin hoist' ter get yu out of a 'situashun' yer cun 'jolly' well pop yer arsehole out! And theres NO way on this earth yer gonna get me ter push it back in agen! Unless yer pay me lots o money. In which case i'll consider yer offer.:rolleyes:
I ave some piccies ere... We slung some lengths o wood on the roof rack to spread the weight. Then gorra strop an put it over the roof rack, thru the doors an attatched a ton ratchet winch to it. Hey presto. One HB patented gear box hoist.


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I ave some piccies ere... I slung some lengths on wood on the Floor for effect. Then I gorra strop on over the roof rack, then stomped thru the doors an left em to it . Hey presto. job done.

I despair ov yer sumtimes yer know that dint yer.:mad:

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