occaisionally I've got this faint smell of Diesel comin' in the car,and have noticed that there's a constant leak just under the back of the engine,it's not to much for now coz the car spends more time resting rather than on the move!
But it's gotta stop,it's bound to get worse I rekon!
FPR? ring anyones bell? or could it be broken fuel line? it's snowed here yesterday,raining today,and I can't seem to get the chance to look underneath properly!!
Anyone got experience of any of this?
Cheers Colin:)
Check your spill pipes on the injectors and make sure they're not loose. When you say that it's showing underneath, then it could be coming from anywhere. If it's the same as the defender then chech the pipes to the lift pump, from the LP to the filter, from the filter to the injection pump, IP to injectors then the pipes from the injectors back to the pump;)
I had the same smell of diesel in the cab and then saw the drips on the driveway. Noticed there was diesel on the back of the engine and traced it back to the FPR, I can actually see mine dripping! FPR on order!
Thought I'd caught the odd diesely whiff recently then MOT'er found a leak on my fuel lift pump the other day, was dripping and diaphragm was split. Just been out replacing the bugger - right arkward sods to reach! Especially in the cold and rain. Imagine how I laughed when I dropped the little brass union sealer washer thingy and it bounced away...as it happens, into the flooded gutter at the side of the road about 6ft away from where it fell! Took me feckin ages to find it! Anyway got it done, hopefully no leaks now and it def feels a little perkier on accelleration - nowt much, but better I think! :)
FPR I reckon - I have been through three of the damn things! One exploded completely and drained the tank in seconds. bugger

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