
New Member
OK chaps, random question time. Tonight is the night, the time is right, my oil is black and full of sh*te...

Problem is, I just KNOW I won't have the right size socket/spanner to remove the sump drain plug, so I need to buy one on the way home.

BUT... (and it's a big but), what size is the drain plug? I've scoured the forum for the answer, but to no avail. Does anyone know off the top of their head?

If not, I'll measure it tonight, buy the tool tomorrow and change the oil at the weekend, but then I won't be able to go a-shopping with the missus, and then she'll be mardy, and then I won't get my end away, and you wouldn't want that, would you...? :rolleyes:

So, if you can help with the size I get to have a shag; fair deal I reckon.

Thank you all in anticipation.
Anyone....? Please?

Diesel SIII sump plug - what size socket do I need? I thought I read 29mm somewhere but damned if I can find it.

(Damned if I would easily find a 29mm socket on the way home either, but that's my problem...)

We in the "Bingreed's not getting his legover Tonight Party" decline to respond
We in the "Bingreed's not getting his legover Tonight Party" decline to respond

Sadly I was a member of said party myself for many, many years....... however, things of late have been on the up ;)

I'll buy a 29mm socket or 29mm spanner or ruddy great adjustable and go from there. Unless anyone knows better...........................................

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