
New Member
This might sound like a stupid question...
I've been given some free 15W/40 diesel oil but I have V8 petrol Engine.

Can I use this oil in my Engine? or will it harm it?
Chuck it in

It is a higher specification oil than the oil for a petrol engine.

I ran my SAAB 900 Turbo (I still have it) over 120,000 miles trouble-free using Tractor universal oil.

You will hear all sorts of experts say you can't use it.

Ask them why not. They will generalise and waffle ... ask them upon what EXPERIENCE they base their opinions. Then tell them to F*** **F because they don't know what they are yabbering about.


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you can use it BUT..... if your engine has a load of sticky deposits in it ( take a rocker cover off and have a look ) then you run a very big risk of washing it into the sump and blocking the oil pick up due to the higher detergent in diesel oil .

Seen it done befor = one f*cked motor ..............
So, the sooner you start using it the better!

It CLEANS the innards of the engine far better, and then holds the crap in suspension so that the filter can do its work well.

RATTY! You are needed!

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We can then put our capes on and start duffing up the baddies.:cool:

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