
Active Member
I have just picked up this old knackered vogue and filled it up but I have noticed it is leaking diesel from the area shown. As I don't have a manual could I ask is this a second tank? before the main tank? I can't seem to see how you get into this, any help most grateful and sorry for the ignorance before the abuse starts?
Hmm.. i'm not that familiar with diesels, but on the V8 the tank is between the rear chassis sections and would have thought that would be the same for diesel tanks.. it doesnt look like OEM perhaps its had a long range tank fitted. I would think if it's leaking from there corrosion has probably done its wonders from dirt and water being kicked up from that rear wheel right into the gap.
Hmm.. i'm not that familiar with diesels, but on the V8 the tank is between the rear chassis sections and would have thought that would be the same for diesel tanks.. it doesnt look like OEM perhaps its had a long range tank fitted. I would think if it's leaking from there corrosion has probably done its wonders from dirt and water being kicked up from that rear wheel right into the gap.
it is an aftermarket extra fuel tank
I wonder why they bothered as it's not very big! I think I will have to take the floor up to see how its fitted as I can't see from underneath.
It also has a small pipe from the bottom of the tank going to the bottom of the main tank not sure what that is for as they are joined by standard size pipe you would expect from filler pipe.
I wonder why they bothered as it's not very big! I think I will have to take the floor up to see how its fitted as I can't see from underneath.
It also has a small pipe from the bottom of the tank going to the bottom of the main tank not sure what that is for as they are joined by standard size pipe you would expect from filler pipe.
you may wnt to try taking the rear wing off first, that's held on with bolts and pop rivets.. the floor section there is welded in.

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