
New Member
200tdi was running fine, but now developed diesel knock on light or trailing throttle, was told it had a belt 20.000 mile ago, did wonder if the belt had gone slack, but not sure if this would advance or retard it.

Any thoughts ?
Think I'd be worrying more about other potential probs than just a slack belt.

Could be piston slap.......
You dont say how many miles its done...

Has it got any oil in it???? :eek::eek:
:eek::eek: lol, no it's a good engine, plenty of oil/pressure, 140k, it's deffo diesel knock and not piston slap, but I just wonded why it's developed it, been on 50/50 veg for about a month, can't see why that should do it though.
50/50 is a bit much veg oil for the cold weather I'm afraid, I don't use more than 30/35% in the winter.
:eek::eek: lol, no it's a good engine, plenty of oil/pressure, 140k, it's deffo diesel knock and not piston slap, but I just wonded why it's developed it, been on 50/50 veg for about a month, can't see why that should do it though.

If it is a DIESEL engine, and it is on trailing throttle (i.e. foot OFF the throttle pedal and the car slowing down) any Knocking noise IS NOT and CAN NOT BE diesel knock.

End of discussion.

The knocking must be due to some other fault, probably mechanical wear, and classically piston slap or a failure of a small end bearing.

If it is a DIESEL engine, and it is on trailing throttle (i.e. foot OFF the throttle pedal and the car slowing down) any Knocking noise IS NOT and CAN NOT BE diesel knock.

End of discussion.

The knocking must be due to some other fault, probably mechanical wear, and classically piston slap or a failure of a small end bearing.


I call trailing throttle when you more or less balance it, ie.backed off BUT NOT fully, then throttle

It is diesel knock :doh: it's the cause that's the issue .
200tdi was running fine, but now developed diesel knock on light or trailing throttle, was told it had a belt 20.000 mile ago, did wonder if the belt had gone slack, but not sure if this would advance or retard it.

Any thoughts ?

If the belt slackens the timing RETARDS, but if it did that enough to make any difference, the belt would jump the pulleys and stuff the whole issue.

I call trailing throttle when you more or less balance it, ie.backed off BUT NOT fully, then throttle

It is diesel knock :doh: it's the cause that's the issue .

See what you said FIRST, which is utterly different from what you say SECOND.

In the first instance you are saying "TRAILING THROTTLE", but in the second you are saying "THEN THROTTLE" implying putting your foot down a bit on the GO pedal.

These are two completely opposite situations

If it is TRAILING THROTTLE then no, it is not diesel knock. It CAN NOT BE, and if you understood diesels you would know why.

If it is knocking when you apply throttle especially at low revs then there is one classic reason for that situation too.

But as you're the expert you don't need me to tell you what it is.

End of my input.

If the belt slackens the timing RETARDS, but if it did that enough to make any difference, the belt would jump the pulleys and stuff the whole issue.

See what you said FIRST, which is utterly different from what you say SECOND.

In the first instance you are saying "TRAILING THROTTLE", but in the second you are saying "THEN THROTTLE" implying putting your foot down a bit on the GO pedal.

These are two completely opposite situations

If it is TRAILING THROTTLE then no, it is not diesel knock. It CAN NOT BE, and if you understood diesels you would know why.

If it is knocking when you apply throttle especially at low revs then there is one classic reason for that situation too.

But as you're the expert you don't need me to tell you what it is.

End of my input.



Well, was he THROTTLE OFF as in Trailing Throttle or THROTTLE ON as in pulling away from low revs?

There's a friggin' difference!

Geez, but how is anyone supposed to offer advice if the descriptions of the symptoms are arse over tit?

does the vacuum pump knock when it's on its way out?

Yes, but it would not be sensitive to throttle position.

His engine probably IS diesel knocking when (BECAUSE) he applies throttle.

It is easily cured.

If it is NOT cured fairly smartish, it will knock seven bells out his pistons, rings, big-ends and head gasket.


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