
Hi there,

I was wondering if anyone could help. I have a couple issues with the engine on my 1983 diesel 88 and I was wondering if they are both seperate issues or could it just be one issue that is causing both the symptoms.

The symptoms are:
- Engine doesn't idle when started (or very roughly when been going for a while) so we use the hand choke to solve
- Engine doesn't turn off when you turn the key (just idles roughly until you stall it in gear)

I was wondering if both could be a faulty valve in the injector that was both not injecting properly and also not stopping fuel being sucked in when the ignition is cut.

I might be way off as this is my first land rover and I have only had it for a short time, so sorry if this sounds idiotic!

What should someone do to diagnose the fault if they had these issues.

Cheers for your help.

I think you might need to provide some more info. Series used 2.25 litre petrol and diesel engines. There is a 2.5 diesel, but from a later vehicle. And might have been retro fitted to yours. Are you able to confirm what engine you actually have?

If you do have a diesel, then diesels have no choke. Are you able to explain (maybe a photo), what you are using that you think is a choke?

A standard diesel Series will not stop the engine when you turn the key off, it will only turn the electrics off. This is how many farm tractors and older lorries would be.

There should be on/near the steering column a pull cable/lever. This will stop the engine. However if yours has had a transplant, then it might not have this.
I think you might need to provide some more info. Series used 2.25 litre petrol and diesel engines. There is a 2.5 diesel, but from a later vehicle. And might have been retro fitted to yours. Are you able to confirm what engine you actually have?

If you do have a diesel, then diesels have no choke. Are you able to explain (maybe a photo), what you are using that you think is a choke?

A standard diesel Series will not stop the engine when you turn the key off, it will only turn the electrics off. This is how many farm tractors and older lorries would be.

There should be on/near the steering column a pull cable/lever. This will stop the engine. However if yours has had a transplant, then it might not have this.

Thanks 300bhp/ton,
Sorry, that was pretty vague (and inaccurate).
- The car is a 1983 model
- The engine is a 2.25, you are right.
- The choke isn't actually a choke (not sure why I called it that). I meant to say hand throttle (for revs when using the PTO). I put that up 5 notches and the car idles a lot smoother (albiet louder)
- Didn't know about the lever that kills the engine. I think this point alone sums up how new I am to my Series 3!!

Thanks for your help, really appreciate it.

Your model should have a choke like pull knob attached to the key barrel. The key is prevented from being turned off until the knob is pulled and the engine stops. This also engages the steering lock.
Sounds like a diesel has been put in a petrol model.
Put some pictures up - we can assist much more if we can see what you are looking at - but I suspect Bobsticle may be on the money with the conversion
I meant to say hand throttle (for revs when using the PTO). I put that up 5 notches and the car idles a lot smoother (albiet louder)

Could you explain the louder bit please? If its working properly, the hand throttle should not be able to lower the idle below the base set at the injection pump......

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