Mick Guilbert

Well-Known Member
dear all
Ok so have decided it may be prudent (if I am going to keep my RRS 2.7 V6 2007 vintage for a few years) to buy a diagnostic tool. This may have been discussed but which tool does give you the best value for money.
Nanocom, Hawkeye or Lynx? I have seen some comments that say Hawkeye is no good for suspension but is nearly £200 cheaper than Nanocom, have no idea how good the Lynx system is. Are there any others I should look at?
Many thanks
Does nanocom cover 2007 sport?
I've got nanocom for p38 and gap iid for l322. Both are good but I would say nanocom is better so if it covers yours, that's the one to go for.

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