Billy B

Well-Known Member
I searched for a greenlane thread that covered Devon and Cornwall and couldn't find one, so I started a new one( apologies if there's another one somewhere)

After much work restoring my 90 its finally on the road, so I thought it was time to take it for a test run, as I've never been green laning before Turboman kindly agreed to accompany me mrs B and show us the ropes, so after some discussion he found some lanes and we headed to north devon

Here's a few pics





I've got some videos as well if I can figure out how to post them

Many thanks to turboman for being great company and organising the trip, hopefully we can add many more trips to this thread:D:D
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I searched for a greenlane thread that covered Devon and Cornwall and couldn't find one, so I started a new one( apologies if there's another one somewhere)

After much work restoring my 90 its finally on the road, so I thought it was time to take it for a test run, as I've never been green laning before Turboman kindly agreed to accompany me mrs B and show us the ropes, so after some discussion he found some lanes and we headed to north devon

Here's a few pics
got some videos as well if I can figure out how to post them

Many thanks to turboman for being great company and organising the trip, hopefully we can add many more trips to this thread:D:D
A real pleasure for me too, mate. One of the best days Ive had for a while, four nice lanes, all good in different ways. Good company and good weather, and no breakdowns :D I will upload some pics to photobucket and post em asap. Glad you had a good time!:)
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Fab pics BillyB , when you've done the Torbay lanes , you'll be able to link em up towards north devon , there seems to be loads once you start to look....:)
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Fab pics BillyB , when you've done the Torbay lanes , you'll be able to link em up towards north devon , there seems to be loads once you start to look....:)

Yep, there are loads in Devon in most areas but very little on Dartmoor. Have done most of them on 2 wheels, will be looking to take the 90 out an about when its sorted (could be a while!). Like to get out now really but not sure the fl would get too far, might be interesting though. Have taken it up some local lanes and did allright....doors didn't even fall off :D
Yep, there are loads in Devon in most areas but very little on Dartmoor. Have done most of them on 2 wheels, will be looking to take the 90 out an about when its sorted (could be a while!). Like to get out now really but not sure the fl would get too far, might be interesting though. Have taken it up some local lanes and did allright....doors didn't even fall off :D

No not much actually on Dartmoor , but up round hound tor the views are fab and the roads so tiny that they make great metalled lanes :D
A brief lunch break


And then onto tarmac for about twenty miles, not arduous, this is a very scenic area, and a lot of the minor roads are almst lanes in their own right, steep, twisty and narrow. Also a nightmare for navigation. Really pleased to have native Devonian guides with me, I have been in this area before and I got lost on the minor roads a few times. Here we go again:)


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I liked this one, nice axle articulation:)


For some reason there was a sign at the start of this lane saying Unsuitable for motors, not sure why!:confused:
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Great pics, I've got a couple of vids but my photo buckets full, will have to find another way to post them
Great pix, when you guys going out again? Room for one more!!!....I know it's good to keep it to only four landys out at a time
Thanks Dave
Well if there's any other peeps from Cornwall actually on this bleddy forum , make yerselves known ...we've got some exploring to do ...
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I've found a few , done a couple and recorded them on an OS map programme on the ipad , but these are mid/west cornwall and not very interesting lots round Wheal Jane and Poldice valley , but it's a mecca for cyclists and walkers , which puts me off. Need to ping Oddie to see whats up round Bodmin way ..
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