
Well-Known Member
Right, ok. I reckon there are enough peeps around this area to try and make a group.

Fingers crossed my 90 is just about working...soo...anyone fancy doing a few lanes?

Unless someone volunteers who knows some around here there will be some trial and error involved...please someone volunteer :D
Right, ok. I reckon there are enough peeps around this area to try and make a group.

Fingers crossed my 90 is just about working...soo...anyone fancy doing a few lanes?

Unless someone volunteers who knows some around here there will be some trial and error involved...please someone volunteer :D

Put my name down. Really keen for this, i've set myself a date of getting the Landy back together for the 2nd so hopefully it's not before then. Realistically wont be able to get it done before.
I see your in Ashbourne james, there's some good lanes near on and Tissington area, if you'd have said end of jan I may have been more tempted due to funds etc, im out laning on the 27th and cant realy spare the cash at this time of year lol :(
I see your in Ashbourne james, there's some good lanes near on and Tissington area, if you'd have said end of jan I may have been more tempted due to funds etc, im out laning on the 27th and cant realy spare the cash at this time of year lol :(

That's a shame. I'm hoping this won't be a one off thing, so we will go again.

Yeah, I'm in Ashbourne. I know a couple of lanes near Hartington, but that is about as far as my knowledge goes!
I know most around ash and my mates know the rest but im skiing between the 4th and 11th so wont be around + the road tyres on my td5 are horrendous .... may have mud tyres fitted to td5 rims though :D
I know most around ash and my mates know the rest but im skiing between the 4th and 11th so wont be around + the road tyres on my td5 are horrendous .... may have mud tyres fitted to td5 rims though :D

That's a shame.

You are talking about using the tyres you are getting for your trialer aren't you?!
I see your in Ashbourne james, there's some good lanes near on and Tissington area, if you'd have said end of jan I may have been more tempted due to funds etc, im out laning on the 27th and cant realy spare the cash at this time of year lol :(

I you decide to do it when pocketrocket can make we could maybe put a route together....
I'm defiantly up for some green laning when ever possible really, generally weekends! Complete rookie though and only know of a couple of lanes really.
Ok, so that's 6 people. Assuming everyone can make it, that is really the max vehicles in a group without upsetting farmers etc.

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