
Was wondering if anyone fancys a bit of green laning next week weather permitting? shouldnt mind a go, Sat or Sun, if anyboby wants to meet who knows some lanes. Not been, so would relie on someone who knows them,to test the latest lanny 90,
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i wouldn`t mind tagging along if thats ok, did some lanes on the 5th in the snow with sam, but not too sure of a route myself as of yet so would be good to get a bit more clued up too:D
if you r going out on the sunday can i tag along as well, new to the game but been out once with sam (fecking loved it)
Yeah i got 4 pm from u lol. C how these bushes go a im ready for weekend.
Sorry m8 was looking in sent box and couldnt see nothing , but i suppose this is how it works on here, inbox showing but not sent? [thought something was wrong on my settings}
Holymoorside p&p Sunday but I could do Saturday. Got a new motor. A bit of a change from Magenta. Need to try her out.
Anyware give a meet and time, and will be there to do some lanes,if someone can lead the way,sat or sun or both.
im trying to get round missis to let me out sunday al take her for a meal sat n in thoery gt round her i hope
If we are going Sunday, it clashes with Holymoorside play & play. See TPORE site. Nothing wrong with combining both, though. We may be looking at another, yes, another, Landy on Saturday morning so might not be able to make Saturday until dinnerish. No problem so long as I have one of your mobile numbers and know which CB channel you are on. If I take Sal to Holymoorside she says she will drive also. By the way, the new motor is 2.24m high, in proper money 8'3". No more hints, you'll have to wait to see it.

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