joe barnett

New Member
After a fantastic days green laning yesterday around Derbyshire, we decided to clean our landrovers in Tissington ford. While there, the local bobby approached us and asked if we could notify all green laners that we knew that some 4x4 drivers have been removing fencing further up the river and trashing the banks to do a bit of river crossing.
While this is great fun, the actions of a few people are giving well mannered, respectable green laners a bad name. The officer did state that prosecution would be brought if the perpertators were found in the act.
I would hope that no one on this forum would do such irresponsible things, however please spread the word as the Tissington estate are getting very tired of mending their fences and the river bank does look a real state. There are plenty of river crossing oppurtunities not a stones throw away fromTissington ford where waders can get thier fill.
Look forward to seeing some of you out and about in the Derbyshire Peak District in the future.
I'm around this area too. Some great places (though i nearly got stuck near Kniveton!)

Can't say i've seen the fence damaging going on? But we seem to have a bad reputation anyway with some people so thats not gonna help!
I went through Tissington ford yesterday, on my bike, at about 30mph. Couldn't stop giggling :D

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