It's about time that the police pulled their fingers out their arse.

Good on them.:)

Hopefully it will make parts hard to sell on ebay too as plod could check to see if they are nicked or not.
It would be nice if the police initiative included tracing and recovering some of those that have already been nicked!!
It would be nice if the police initiative included tracing and recovering some of those that have already been nicked!!

Maybe by following the trail of smart water that is what they are aiming to do. Proving parts are stolen with they have no identifying marks is impossible even when they know they are. Unfortunately knowing and proving are two different things.
Sorry Rats, but what is 'Smart Water'?

I will admit to my total ignorance on this! :D

If you leave blood or bodily fluids you can get identified by your dna.

It is water that has markers added to effectively give it a dna profile. It shows up under uv light and is specific in the same sense that your dna is specific to you. If you put a few dabs on every part of your landy they could trace each part back to it.
Silly question then, if it's water, won't it simply wash off?

My landy is already covered from my blood, sweat and tears!!
Silly question then, if it's water, won't it simply wash off?

No. It stains the item that has been marked with it with a stain that only shows up under uv light. It can be removed by using an abrasive material (sandpaper, sand blasting, filing etc) but if you went to buy some defender doors or a roof that had been sand blasted you would be suspicious anyway.

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