
New Member

Myself and my girlfriend are leaving 15th May from Cape Town to Chichester. We are both British but have been living here for the last few years. Our route is:

South Africa
South Africa

Then, either boat to Greece and through Europe,
Or, Jordan, Syria, Turkey and round the Baltic states into mainland Europe and home.

Does anyone have any practical experience with obtaining visas for countries en route? The particular countries I'm interested in are Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan. Our plan is to get perhaps the Mozambique and Tanzania visas in Johannesberg from their consulates there and then collect visas at consulates along the way - is this possible?

I'm especially interested in any information on countries where visas can be obtained on the border like Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana. I think this si possible in Lesotho, Swaziland Rwanda, Uganda, Malawi and Egypt - but is it possible elsewhere?

Any advice would be appreciated.
not too sure about Sudan or Ethiopia, but I know you can buy a single or multiple entry visa for Tanzania and kenya at the border for USD50. I used to live in Kenya and often drove down to Tanzania and simply bought my Tanzainian visa in nomanga(the border post), this is fairly straight forward. and when flying to and fro from the UK to Nairobi I simply bought my tourist visa at the airport, again for USD50 (I was in Kenya over easter and the airline advised me to buy a visa before I left, however I found it much simpler to buy at the airport, along with most other tourists).
hope this helps, and good luck with ur trip
Thanks - a day in front of my laptop suggests we're ok as far as Sudan. It helps the vehicle is on South African plates as far as Kenya.
Cape to Cairo - Cape to Chi... same/same!

EDIT: Done some serious visa/carnet research on the route and will edit original or post new on planned stuff and then post actual experiences - just bearing in mind I'm on an S.A. plated landy (RHUBARB - WP) which makes it a bit easier in Southern Africa.
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