
New Member
Hi. After asking about there doesn't seem to be a definate known list of the last Classic 22 SAS Range Rovers that seem to of been cast roughly around the year 2000/1. Now I have one EV74AA (blue). There is EV70AA (Green) now owned by jcpJCP. EV71AA (Red) is owned by a chap in Glos. Now the old artical in LRM says that EV72AA was for sale in Hereford,so does any one know who/where it is? They also thought there was 4 of them but as I now have EV74AA, with the same contract no as the one in Glos, could I have a 5th or was there never a 73? The RRR says another (red) was stolen and burnt out. Was that EV73AA??? Qs Qs Qs. May be there was 6 of them
My aim is to join the cars up for a photo shoot or at least get photos/details of them all.Thanks. Now wheres my Anorak?

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