
New Member
Hi All,

Some weedy-lowlife-scumbag tried to get inta my Landy last night under the cover of night on saturday. :mad: Only had the chuffing thing a month!

Bent the top of the door outwards by a couple o' inches and then had a go at the bottom of it.

What's the most cost effective security? I can't leave the Dobies in it all night! A mate of mine said some have an extra 'cut off' switch to the battery fitted?

Anyone know the best steering lock type thing?

disc_lock for the steering wheel, ClutchClaw for the pedals and a motion sensor alarm for the car that way if they try forcing their way in the alarm will go off.
No I'm interested because my N/A is parked on the road and I don't like leaving it there. Is yours an N/A?
It doesn't matter what engine is in it. Most are nicked and stripped and the parts sold on fleabay.
Probably the pikey scum that nick landies are indeed brekin em up and floggin the bits but they're not really into land rovers just anything they can sell for a few quid. If they were actually LR types they'd know how easy they are to get into and start.
I think you need to give em a bit more credit. (not to much though) there is a huge market for 4x4 spares and the thieves know it to them it's a business. and are unlikely to be pikeys. Sodbury was a magnet for stolen landies everyone who went knew that there was a good chance that the bits they were buying could well be stolen th same with ebay. But still we go to sodbury and buy off ebay. aren't we just making their job easier for them.
Aye you're probably right. Trouble with buying 2nd hand bits off ebay is they're usually no better than the one's you're replacing. Add that to the fact that a lot of it is nicked and it's a pretty bad show all round.
Well I was p*ssed off at my bent door, but my mate who bought his Landy on thursday has had it nicked last night! Bolt cutters on his gate & straight for the LR. (There were other cars!)

Off to get a clutch claw but think the battery cut off sounds like a good idea without it costing a fortune?

Gotta say, I'm surprised how nickable Landys are??? Guess they are a useful tool with utter **** security and let's face it, most stuff bolts on so even scrawny little coward, peasant crims can work out how to whip 'em & strip 'em?
wire a switch into the wire from your ignition to the stop solonoid on injection pump, and put it somewhere discreet! ok its fairly simple, but if it holds em up by a couple of minutes then that could be enough to make them give up.

also i duno if anybody ever tried wiring a switch into the wire from ignition to starter motor?

ok so its not gona stop them bumping it, but couple that with a stop solonoid switch and thatl have them scratching their heads for a few minutes.

i wouldnt say go for these cheapy options INSTEAD of steering locks, alarms etc but your landy needs all the security it can get so its worth the effort id say.
I have a switch wired in which cuts off the starter. I took the ingnition out and pulled wires off one by one untill i found a wire wich stopped the starter from turning. Then just wired a swith in. Like Chris says its not going to stop everyone but if it slows them down enough to make the dog bark or something else scares them off, then great. I also have a Jetlock Handbrake. Which hopfully stops them bumpstartin it.
Sorry to hear about your near theft and damage.

Anti theft device visibility is important here. A hidden switch wouldn't have stopped this attack.

I think a highly visible anti theft device is just as important. You want to stop them from attempting the break in. Not stop them once they are sitting inside.

I imagine a combination of visible deterrent and covert devices would be the best option.


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