
Well-Known Member
Thought I would post this up, felt like I should. I managed to get hold of the set for less than half price of retail.

Fitted a couple of weeks ago and have been testing it out since then.

Fitting -
Relatively easy, takes roughly 2 - 3 hours start to finish. Nothing too tricky at all, generally all very basic work.

Quality and Fit -

Quality isnt fantastic.

"Adjustable" Top Vents -
The top vents are quite poor and buckled inward after around a week reducing their effectiveness by around half as well as making it even more difficult to adjust the vent.

Adjusting the vent is very hard and can't really be done with one hand and very hard while youre driving so rather pointless at the end of it.

Lower Vents -
Slightly larger than OEM and due to that are a rather snug fit, to the point I had to force them in but they do fit and are secure when in place. Fitting the side demister hose is easy.

Function -
Surprisingly works rather well! Better than expected if I'm honest. When the fan is on low speed (set to demist) there is a small flow from the side vents, the top vent air flow is near enough the same as before. Works well to keep the window demisted but not good enough to actually demist it alone.

With the fan on full speed it is effective. Demists quite quickly and top vent flow is unhindered. Same can be said if set to screen demist and lower vents. It is nice that I can see out of my passenger window without having to lean across and wipe!!

Since fitting I've removed the "adjustable" top vents and replaced with the originals which work much better since they havnt buckled....

Conclusion -
Not worth the money at all. Not even worth it at half price, maybe for £25 - £30 it would be acceptable, for just the lower vents but even then you could make this part yourself pretty easily for less than a fiver.

I can't recommend this product to anyone. Just make your own and save £130.
Nice one, can't some clever sort on here manufacture a solution as I'm sure we'd all buy in.
Thats what its meant to be! The issue is the poor design of the top vents, which have already been redesigned once! Can only imagine what the Gen 1 where like :rolleyes:

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