Hi lad's & lasses,
have been toying with the idea of changing the internal size of the bottom heater hose to try and get more heat from the heater, would it work or not ?
Thanks in advance.
Regards Martin.
Nope. The heat from the heater is dependent on the heat of your coolant/engine. If your heater is sealed correctly to the bulkhead and air intake then the heat coming out of your vents is directly related to the temp of your engine. If it's really that bad try a higher temp thermostat. What engine you got?
My heater seems very efficient. It works so well I would have to say it has never even warranted a second thought. About the only thing working well at the moment.
I'd be looking more at the condition of your matrix and heater box and your thermostat as mine now gets toasty warm
Thanks for the replies,
I think I will look at the thermostat Maybe a flush through.
defender 110csw 200tdi
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The heater in my Defender 110 TD5 CSW works well, but it takes a while to warm the cab as it is so big.
As said above. The heater from a defender works perfectly well providing all is in good condition. Mine works just as good as any other car. An obsessed coolant and matrix flush along with a new genuine LR stat transformed by heater. Try the cheapest first

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