I have a TD5 defender

there is a rattle almost metalic when the engine ticks over, as soon as the engine speed increases it stops

I have removed the fan belt the noise then stops when the engine is started and I cant see anything obvious

any ideas

Well, if it's not evident when the fan belt is off, it sounds like something that's driven by the fan belt, so something like water pump, alternator, power steering pump, air conditioning (if fitted) or jockey wheel(s). I had a very rattly noise on a (non Land Rover) car once that turned out to be the alternator pulley breaking up, but it wasn't immediately obvious just by wobbling things or turning them by hand. Water pump bearings seem to be vulnerable too. With the belt off, turn and wobble everything and see if there's any looseness or roughness when rotated. That's how I'd start.
The fan belt tension pulley may be getting old, mine used to bounce up and down when on tick over especial when the engine was cold, I fitted a new belt and a new tension pulley and it is better, but still bounces a bit.
I had a similar sound last week, turned out to be one of my idler pulleys dying which then pulled the belt off, new pulley and new belt and it's running fine again

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