
Well-Known Member
I replaced the ECU (engine module) in April this year with a new genuine LR unit but yesterday it has failed, giving no warning at all. I was traveling at around 50 MPH when the engine just stopped running would not restart. I was recovered to home, the recovery mechanic thought the problem was the fuel pump but my Hawkeye diagnostic reader would not communicate with the ECU so now I suspect the ECU. Phoned a friend who has loaned me a used ECU which after setting it up with his Nanocom the Defender started and runs like a good one, so ECU it is. (I am not able to keep the ECU)
I have taken the failed ECU back to the main dealer I purchased it from who is making a warranty claim for a replacement, all well and good but (always a but) LR have no stock.
I am now told by another friend that my one ECU NNN500020 has been recalled due to faulty manufacture and this is why LR have no stock.
Has anyone any information to confirm or contradict this recall?
I have found some stock at another dealer but how would I know if these should have been recalled?
Surely the dealer should be able to tell you if the ECU has been recalled!

What a massive pain! Or maybe get a refund if possible and buy from elsewhere. Im sure TD5inside/Alive/Dynachip/BAS would have some instock
The TD5 ECU is not known for failing, l assume you checked (as best as possible) for other faults, such as oil in the wiring harness/alternator over charging/engine earth strap defective etc
i cant answer your question but i needed to replace one very recently as it had top switch failure code, famous four couldnt get one most likely because of what you found out luckily i found a good used one for 200 and alive tuning programmed whatever needed doing
The TD5 ECU is not known for failing, l assume you checked (as best as possible) for other faults, such as oil in the wiring harness/alternator over charging/engine earth strap defective etc

I am afraid the ECU do fail this is my second ECU to fail no other faults on the vehicle.
Hi James I currently have a good used one that is on loan I am trying to persuade him to sell it to me but he is not budging.
I have looked on the Internet for new stock and have found a couple of outlets who say they have stock of new ones.
I see no reason why I cannot get a refund just have not asked at this point.

The main dealer said that he did not know of a recall on the Defender ECU that is why I asked the question on here to try and get to the bottom of it.
If there has been a recall I would like to know how to identify the recall batch so I keep away from them.
Gotcha. Bit of a nightmare you appear to be in!

If it was me I would contact one of the various mapping folk i mentioned above, get a nice new mapped ECU from someone that knows it will work rather than buying from the dealer with the chance itll still be duff!
Gotcha. Bit of a nightmare you appear to be in!

If it was me I would contact one of the various mapping folk i mentioned above, get a nice new mapped ECU from someone that knows it will work rather than buying from the dealer with the chance itll still be duff!

The Main dealer has said I would have an answer by Tuesday next week so I will give them until then to come up with an answer (they have been very good in the past at sorting problems) Then contact other outlets including the companies you have suggested if they are still unable to supply a replacement.
"BUT" I would still like to know if a recall has been made on the ECU.
If anyone gets any information about a recall on the ECU's please post it.
Could you get you're money back and buy a used replacement?

Yes I could do that, if I could purchase the one I have been loaned that is exactly what I would do Just have my money back.
I am also considering keeping a good spare as it seems they are hard to get, not sure if he main dealer shortage is going to be rectified.
There are plenty of used ones advertised and repair centres who will repair for a similar price of used around £250.00 so I have options.
I will wait to see what the reply is from the main dealer first.
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I managed to find one about £200 last year, I kept hold of the old one hoping it can be repaired if needed, they seem to get more and more rare, even though the Discovery ones work fine ( with re program) Ive seen some advertised at daft money lately.
I managed to find one about £200 last year, I kept hold of the old one hoping it can be repaired if needed, they seem to get more and more rare, even though the Discovery ones work fine ( with re program) Ive seen some advertised at daft money lately.
Ray win doesn't the temp gauge read incorrect with a disco ecu on a defender?
Thanks ray do all discovery ecus work on defenders from 2002 onwards? Or is there a certain number to look for?
I'm not an expert on this but I did some research before I bought mine the NNN000120 will work fine with the 15P engines ( 2002) and it is re programmable there are some higher numbered ones like NNN 500020 which are programmable and I understand they work fine
The ones to look out for are the ones starting MSB ****** which are not re programmable without replacing the on board chip, check your engine number
Yes, sounds like TD5 ECUs are getting a bit tender now that they're mostly over 10 years old. I don't really have anything to add to this thread, but I sympathise as it has happened to me a couple of times. I have a spare failed one in a cupboard that I must send off to see if it can be repaired so I have a working spare to swap in and keep myself mobile if it happens again.
Yes, sounds like TD5 ECUs are getting a bit tender now that they're mostly over 10 years old. I don't really have anything to add to this thread, but I sympathise as it has happened to me a couple of times. I have a spare failed one in a cupboard that I must send off to see if it can be repaired so I have a working spare to swap in and keep myself mobile if it happens again.
Yes I kept my old one and have the intention to get it repaired when time and money allow, but so many things come higher on the list.
The people who checked mine over offered a full repair with lifetime guarantee, but it was not cheap, I wondered if that may be a better solution than a second hand one of unknown pedigree, but in the end I managed to get one for £200 and put the other in a polystyrene box hopefully never to re surface.
Yes, the going rate seems to be around £300 for a repair. My existing 'good' one was done by ECU Testing in Heanor just over a year ago. They'd obviously got some new customer management software, because I got multiple emails from them saying that it had been sent to the workshop, been scheduled to an engineer, been sent to the R&D department for special analysis and so on. The engine fired up as soon as it came back and I plugged it in and it is still going strong.
Yes, the going rate seems to be around £300 for a repair. My existing 'good' one was done by ECU Testing in Heanor just over a year ago. They'd obviously got some new customer management software, because I got multiple emails from them saying that it had been sent to the workshop, been scheduled to an engineer, been sent to the R&D department for special analysis and so on. The engine fired up as soon as it came back and I plugged it in and it is still going strong.
That's who I sent mine to, I had those mails, it's in the workshop, it's being checked by an engineer, and then I phoned them they did not know anything about it and when I called them back later they oh yes we have tracked it down it will be checked tomorrow.
Then they said they had checked it and there was nothing wrong but they wanted to repair it for something like the £300 you mention, I gave them a miss.

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