
I am going to put a 3.9 Isuzu in the Defender

300 Tdi is OK but just lacks a bit of power, and I did an Isuzu 2.8 and was not that impressed, done a few HS 2.8 but they are very expensive and parts are hard to source

Going to use the suffix L R380 which was one of the better ones and it will take the power if it is not thrashed!
So I need to make an adaptor and I have 2 choices

Defender 300Tdi box and bell housing (don't have a bell housing yet but have the adaptor plate) which means an complicated new adaptor as the starter on the Isuzu is in a bad place - but it is doable

Td5 Defender box and bell housing -= this is interesting as I may be able to get away with a flat plate adaptor and the starter is on the opposite side and the clutch cylinder should have enough room
And the flywheel was quite big so the Isuzu may fit
Also a suffix L by nature

As I am in Canada I do not have a Td5 bell housing , so if any of you guys have one on the floor or workshop, would you be so kind as to take a picture of the overall length against a tape measure also the inside diameter so I can think about my strategy?

Thanks in advance


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