
They're a small overworked rural outfit and the theft has apparently hit them pretty hard... see pic of the vehicle below:


It was flagged by an ANPRC in Helsby, Cheshire at midnight on Tuesday, but nothing's been heard since.

Please contact with any info. Ta.
Will keep eyes and ears open for you in the North East when out and about. Have you posted it on Landywatch?

LandyWatch - Keeping an eye on your Land Rover

These thieving dip***s don't care about the consequences to the people whose vehicle they've taken :mad: Just experienced it myself a couple of weeks ago, mine was recovered but am still repairing it and out of pocket considerably. Seriously considering the electrocution method of vehicle security for the future, first vehicle to be stolen from me and the effect and the aftermath is quite unpleasant (I am even scrubbing the seats :rolleyes:). Must be more than a major inconvenience when you're running an animal rescue centre in a rural area, bastids! :mad:

Best of luck to them with recovering the vehicle, hopefully in one piece.
I'll also post details on another forum I'm on.
I just read about your own landy going walkies and coming back
Would be very intersted in reading about general security ideas of yours, obviously not as fitted to your own example just in case.
No worries landover, I'll pm you some bits and pieces/links etc. I've been pointed to, some of which are DIY, others are way more expensive options off the shelf, so budget can be flexible. I've gone for a combination of some options to enhance security; the more time it takes them to get in and get the vehicle moving the less appealing the vehicle becomes. Fit both visible and concealed security - you don't want to advertise all your security as this lets them know in advance what they need to bypass.