Question: looking out the window....does anyone know if there is a way to put a 'clip-on' solid roof on a soft top defender.

So an SVX for instance.... what it needs through the winter is a hard cab top and something behind the seats so that it looks like a truck cab.

anyone know of..fabricated..done such a thing.....

many thanks....

(i dont have a soft top..but a positive answer to the above makes it possible)
Havn't ever seen one but it's very easy to take off the soft top and just bolt on a truck cab.
Failing that you could always fit a fume curtain to keep the heat in the front or just get a truck cab style soft top.
Having driven my 90 all winter with a full soft top, it doesn't really get too cold as long as your heater works (mine doesn't even turn on!!) but those fume curtains do look very tempting for that extra bit of warmth...

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