
Well-Known Member
Dear All, I'm in need of a canvas fume curtain.

My soft top is an Exmoor Trim jobby...but their fume curtain appears to be sleeved top and side to the inner frame. I'm looking for a fume curtain that can be strapped to the frame enabling me to roll up to upper frame when the curtain and hood's not needed [normally when summer running with soft top rolled up].

Can anyone make recommendation where to buy.

Thank you
Think mine is an All Wheel Trim item, had it for so long now I can't be 100% sure.
Fits around the hoop, would fit around the normal stick if fitted. I guess you could roll it up but as it can be removed / fitted in just a matter of minutes I have never bothered.

Just ordered new sand fume curtain and staples from All Wheel Trim, leaves trow, arrives Friday. Excellent service and I suspect it comes with a larger window section :) Tried Exmoor, they're on a 12 weeks lead time...think they're struggling with material supply.

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