
Active Member
Hello guys and gals.

I'm planning on sticking up a 'spare's cupboard in my garage soon, and wondered what you would consider would be essential spares for a Depender (don't say an entire other Depender!!) Just to stop me having to bugger off to Halfords every time something goes wrong!!

I don't want to go all out with gear boxes, drive shafts etc, I'm thinking more along the lines of regular maintenance stuff:

Glow plugs
Oil (all types)
Timing belts

Can you suggest any more?

Timing BELTS, glow plugs? Surely these aren't the sort of thing you will realise at the last minute you need? In my limited experience, a grinder and spare discs, various nuts, bolts and washers, a party pack of WD40 And a big hammer.;););)
I've not really had the same thing come up twice apart from fluids. I guess I'm slowly rebuilding my 90 as time goes by..... bit by bit!


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