
New Member
Iv'e just fitted two new front rubber door seals & now have about an inch gap at the top of the doors!! Iv'e checked my door alignment and it's all perfect as it should be. The gap is so large, no matter what I do or adjustments I make, it'll never be right. I was just wondering if anybody else has had this problem, or am I fitting them wrong!?! (although their fool proof ):confused:
This happened to me when I also fitted new door seals, seemed a bit strange as the old one had a closer fit. I have since changed the door hinges and resorted to putting a sort of draught excluder on the inside edges of my doors and it feels a lot better. However my doors are still not the best fit
Exactly the same happened to me on the passenger side, er indoors sits there, so not too fussed !
Made the big mistake of doing it in the winter, the seals are not too plyable when it's cold.
petroleum products cause seals to swell.. it might be useful in this case to rub some vaseline along the top, wait a week and see if it makes a difference? just a thought
I'll try & rub some Vaseline on. its a big gap, i hope it swells up enough. How the hell this hasn't been sorted out by the manufacturer is a joke, they're worse than my old worn seals!!
the gap!
Iv'e emailed the supplier P***ocks about it. they're Bear**ch seals & it must clearly be a manufacturing defect. It's so bad I'm gonna put my old ones back on for now.
I dont blame you theres something seriously not right about that ! is there places where its too tight throwing the door out of line ??
No, the seal fits around the door spot on. The two side are a good seal, it's just the top. The picture is of the door shut too. I don't want to be bending or altering my door as the lines will all be out & It'll look odd & bodged. I thought the door may have been bent in the past, but when i put the other side on & it was the same!
Seems very strange that the seal is what looks to be bout 1\2 inch thinner than required, have you compared size/shape against original ?
that looks a bit nuts. Are you sure your door is lined up ok?

is the door shutting flush, or has the new seal made it stick out a bit around the lock, as you need to adjust them sometimes.

Just from the pic, it looks like something isn't right with your door alignment to me.. more pics maybe? :)

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