gaz uk

New Member
Hi all i had my Defender 90 Nicked from outside my house early thursday morning 6th octomber, this landy was in mint condition and looked spot on, it also had a roof rack on it which was painted green same as the vehicle,also a sticker in the back window of The Guild of British Mole Catchers no doubt been pulled off.
Was nicked from the Northampton Leicestershire border.
Please get in touch if seen or any info,and please update your security wishing i did, still cant believe its gone.
Chassis, SALLDVA87YA189849
This is the telephone number for northamptonshire police who i dealt with
03000111222, crime number NP33005/11


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Hi im affraid there was no security on it, dont worry ive been kicking my arse since its been stolen and feel i only have my self to blame, funny enough my mate was going to give me a hand next week on the electrics as a security measure.
Up untill 4 weeks ago i was working full time and my landy was out all day but got laid off and it was parked alot outside my house in the day time and we get alot of people in trucks looking for scrap nearly every day and feel it was spotted, if you no wot im saying, but no excuses my own fault never happen to me mentallity :doh:.
Also the other head bender is all my kit for work was in there and being a general builder there was a fair bit of kit that id had for years make me feel sick.Thanks for the thread mate.

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