It's just scrap then. Unless you are a criminal hoping to profit from the misery of those poor sods who have had their Defenders stolen.
It's just scrap then. Unless you are a criminal hoping to profit from the misery of those poor sods who have had their Defenders stolen.

I can assure you that this is not stolen, I have proof that I am the legitimate owner.
I don't like or appreciate your insinuation that I am a criminal either, kindly keep your malicious remarks to yourself. Thankyou.
So everyone who buys a galv chassis and rechassis' their defender Is a criminal..... don't think so....... this is just the same. As I say I can prove irrefutably that this is a genuine sale.
Genuine it might be but using a second hand chassis with no ID is problematic and it has limited legitimate use without falling foul of the rules.
It has no legitimate uses outside an untaxed, unregistered off roader. OP you might be the legal owner but without ID/V5 it is scrap. you might not like my insinuation but if you sell this and it goes back on the road without its original ID you ARE contributing to criminal activity. If you rechassis your Land Rover and retain the ID then the old chassis is scrap, it is recommended that you cut the chassis number from your old chassis and keep it with the vehicle to prove you have title to it. I have nothing against you personally and I was not trying to be abusive, I just don't want you to (unwittingly?) contribute to the epidemic of Land Rover crime. As someone who has had two Land Rovers stolen and done a rechassis job myself I feel very strongly about it.
So everyone who buys a galv chassis and rechassis' their defender Is a criminal..... don't think so....... this is just the same. As I say I can prove irrefutably that this is a genuine sale.
You can rechassis your Land Rover with a NEW galv chassis, what you can't do is rechassis your Land Rover with a second hand chassis without using that chassis ID, that's called ringing and is against the law.
Genuine it might be but using a second hand chassis with no ID is problematic and it has limited legitimate use without falling foul of the rules.
I am genuinely interested to know what "Legitimate" uses a chassis without it's ID has? If the ID has been transferred to a new chassis the only use I can think of is in an unregistered off roader. Even then if the authorities knew they would probably insist it was scrapped because even without plates it would still mean there were two vehicles with the same chassis number in existence.
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I am genuinely interested to know what "Legitimate" uses a chassis without it's ID has?

Q plates are possible I believe if you jump though enough hoops and non road legal competition builds. It restricts the potential buyers massively and therefore the worth.
Q plates are possible I believe if you jump though enough hoops and non road legal competition builds. It restricts the potential buyers massively and therefore the worth.
Don't think you can Q plate a used chassis if the original ID is being used on a vehicle that has been rechassied.with a new one. I suppose you might be able to if the original vehicle no longer existed for some reason. Otherwise you would have two vehicles on the road with the same ID (if not number plates)
Don't think you can Q plate a used chassis if the original ID is being used on a vehicle that has been rechassied.with a new one. I suppose you might be able to if the original vehicle no longer existed for some reason. Otherwise you would have two vehicles on the road with the same ID (if not number plates)

Q plates are issued to vehicles with a previously unknown ID. Special builds etc.

When you may need a new VIN or registration
If you have a kit car, rebuild, or radically altered vehicle, DVLA will usually have to assess it.

You may be able to keep its original registration number if you can prove the vehicle’s original VIN. If you can’t, you’ll have to apply for a replacement identity number.

DVLA will give you an authorisation letter to get the vehicle stamped with the new VIN if your vehicle passes its assessment.

You then need to register the vehicle - you can only do this when DVLA receives confirmation it’s been stamped with the correct VIN.
Q plates are issued to vehicles with a previously unknown ID. Special builds etc.
My understanding you end up with a Q plate if you mix and match parts from several vehicles and lose the original ID by failing the points system, The chassis would still have to have a unique ID (specifically the chassis number)not one that was being used on another vehicle. If you buy a chassis from Richards they will stamp your existing chassis number onto your new one prior to galv'ing. No way could your old chassis be used in a Q plate built from parts because that would mean there would be two vehicles with the same chassis number on the road. One would be a ringer even though there is apparently no "criminal" activity going on.
So potentially your old chassis could have a new VIN /chassis number issued to it if you jump through enough hoops.
I wonder if the DVLA would actually issue a new number if they knew the original ID was still being used on an existing vehicle?
I wonder if the DVLA would actually issue a new number if they knew the original ID was still being used on an existing vehicle?

The whole thing is a bit of a grey area, even the stamping of new replacement chassis' isn't clear which is why Marshlands (iirc) wont do it for you.

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