
soft and furry
Looking at this on fleabay, the seller has 100% feedback and there is no other reason to think it's iffy. Just doesn't seem right, I would hate to buy somebody else's pride and joy if it is nicked (not that I would pay the asking price).

As was pointed out in another thread, the prised open door doesn't instill confidence.
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Saw this earlier, such a variation in parts and no mention of history or why it's in that state, even if genuine I wouldn't give half that price
As said on the other thread about it, it just looks like a rather messy or un-organised breakers yard really considering he's selling a good few new parts too like various windscreens etc and service parts.

Still would air on the side of caution of course as the TD5 body definitely looks like it was broken into at one point or possibly stolen and recovered/stripped or whatever the case may be.

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