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I recently bought a defender 90 puma - my first ever so I'm a complete newbie with it. It had been driving fine, but then yesterday when driving along at 30mph (approx) there was a slight scraping sound and then it was almost as if the truck tried to pull to the left. I stopped and pulled in to check if there was anything stuck in the wheels/ guards/brakes etc - nothing there. So I got back in and drove on - no noise. Then it returned after about 20 mins again. Now there is a constant scarping noise, I think from the transfer box, its happening in low gear and when the diff is engaged/disengaged - there had been small metal filings from it when it was checked. But I have no idea what or where it is for sure.. based in NI
Anything scraping on the prop shaft?
If you have not already, check oil levels in both diffs, gearbox and transfer box.
Without hearing/feeling the noise/scraping it's difficult to tello. Your initial pull to the left doesn't indicate a transfer box issue as this device provides drive to both the front and rear propshafts.
It could possibly be an axle issue.

To check I would remove the rear propshaft (which isn't that difficult), engage 4WD and see if the noise is still present.
It would be difficult to say if it is the front or rear as any noise will travel along the transmission and appear to be coming from under the seat box anyway.

If its still there, check the handbrake drum, replace the rear shaft and remove the front.
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I once had a scraping noise, sounded like the brakes and it stopped when the brake pedal was pressed. The brakes looked good and the pads all had plenty of material on them. When I took the rear pads out for inspection, they were starting to break up. Replacing them fixed the problem. The front pads were ok.
Are you saying /when checked and some small metal filings found, was this in the oil of the transfer box ?
Took it up the road there after work and it was fine, and then all of a sudden after about 10 mins it started scraping again, getting louder and then it stopped again after a minute or so…and then every so often just a slight scraping sound.

sorry if I’m not being as descriptive as I should - I’m totally green when it comes to anything about engines or cars.
There is a known problem with the Puma engine Land rover. The issue is poor lubrication of the gearbox out put shaft where it joins the transfer box, hence my question.
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