
New Member
Hi guys, I have a disco now which needs a hell of a lot doing and will probably be scrapped the end of the year when the mot runs out. A long list of welding is needed.

Ive been thinking however to buy a defender 90 without the engine etc in it and transfer my 300 tdi to it etc. I wondered how hard they are to fix in relation to a disco. Does the whole car literally bolt from the chassis? Would I be able to bolt the whole car off, sort the chassis and treat it paint it etc and then bolt the car together.

Are the floor pannels etc alluminium so dont rot or are they steel like the disco? I really dont like working in the most awkward of places, I feel the disco has lots of awkward places lol.

What should I look for if I buy a defender, I know the bulk head and chassis are particular areas anything else?
chassis is a bolt on affair, everything bolts to it, it is the structure of the motor.

after that, bulkhead rust is common.

in relation to a disco, some bits are easier, some not, most are easier though, its designed for ease of maintenance.
engine swap is simple. I have a link to a step by step guide if you do decide to do it.

door skins, body, roof and floor are all ally.

Yes everything unbolts.
not totally straight forward, you will need to get a 300tdi defender to have the right chassis mounts or you need to weld new ones in, your disco gearbox sticks are the wrong way round so either a new box or conversion using defender bits or fit and modify seatbox to suit as the gearstick comes through the seatbox...


the disco crossmember bolts in to the defender chassis to mount the box and I prefer the gearstick further back, sits naturally under your hand and no leaning forward like in a fender...

as for working on one its far easier than the disco, the alloy does corrode but all bits are bolt on and off

a weekend will see one easily stripped to a chassis


cheers steve
And they get easier as you'll get a lot of practice ;)

Seriously tho, I agree with the chaps above.
So the engine will need some modified mounts and the gearbox won't go straight in is it easy enough to do though? I like the sound that the floor etc is ally so won't rot or require welding. What are the common areas that will require welding other than chassis and bulk head?
I reckon it would be easier to put a 300 in using an lt77 box like I'm about to do using one of these Landrover 90 Defender 200-300 Tdi Engine Mount Conversion No Welding | eBay

Just a case of modifying the bell housing then to fit into the 90 instead of changing tranny tunnel etc for an R380.

in some ways it will be ,but with 300 tdi and transmission fitted as lr did all parts like hoses ,exhaust ,air filter mounting etc are standard parts and can be bought off the shelf and not have to be modified when the time comes to change them
I have a 300Tdi/R380 in my 90, with the Disco-spec gear levers. With a cubby box in the centre it makes it so much more comfortable - I was wary at first thinking the gear lever would be too far back, but its in just the right position.

I'm in the middle of making a console to surround the gear levers - check my build fred if yer interested :)


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I like the sound that the floor etc is ally so won't rot or require welding.

where dyou read that??? anywhere the ally n steel contact will rot like mad and the ally will turn to salt... maybe not as bad as a steel disco but don't be fooled into thinking birmabright is the answer to corrosion lol

cheers steve
Alloy n steel in perfect harmony... what a good idea that is :)




and that damageis very very common on fenders .....

cheers steve
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What more does a man need than tools, beer, an old ammo box, a copy of LRO and a Landie to store them all in? :D

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