Laird Evans

New Member

Thursday 25th Oct: Clutch went on way home last night, the 90 was abandoned in Oxshott (nr Leatherhead), and not being a local - any suggestions/ recommendations of local friendly L/R garages to help by way of collecting and repair?


How far away is it? You could just drive it home you don't need the clutch to change gears if you match the engine speed and road speed, I drove home like that one night when my clutch cover packed in. I take it you don't have an RAC/AA memebership? Or you could just see if there is somewhere local you could get it done, I was quoted about £250 for a new clutch before deciding to do it myself.

If you want to drive it heres what to do:

For every 1000 rpm in 1st you will do about 5mph, 10mph in 2nd, 15mpg in 3rd as so on. So by using that as a guide if your wanting to change into 3rd, lift the road speed to about 30mph in 2nd and then push it out of 2nd while you still have your foot on the accelerator (takes any force of the gear that might otherwise hold it in gear a bit) and wait for the revs to hit about 2000 with the speed at 30mpg and gently push it into 3rd. Sounds difficult but its actully quite simple once you get that hang of it and you will be able to do it by engine noise.

If you have the R380 gearbox (reverse bottom left) it will be a doddle.
its a bit too far east fur the TOSSERS - but if yu get no joy - pm me;)

Patman mite know someone - closest I know are Safari engineering @ Eversley, Hants - or Keith Gott - Alton, Hants.
i nipped down the shop fer some pop late last night and on the way back the pedal went all spongy, got to the bottom of the drive and it stalled and then puked the fluid onto the floor, i'm hoping it's just the slave that's gone - so don't be thinking you'll be needing a new clutch

me series has got a flat battery and the rear section of the exhaust has fallen orf

the mazda 6 keeps cutting out when in neutral

odd how things break in 3s
did you check the clutch fluid, itf its leaked out a top up would help, if oyu need to drive without a clutch start it in low ratio and approach traffic lights and roundabouts slowly , do it with no tradffic on road even better

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