
New Member
Hello again (I posted this incorrectly somewhere else... apologies)

I found an put down a deposit on a defender 90 pickup with a 200tdi engine. Everything looks really good (the body is a bit beat up) the chasis, bulkhead and cross member looks good apart from one exception - see the attached jpg.

I am unsure how or why it is kind of torn, looks a bit like it has been folded back to get access inside the chasis. The picture is from below at the drivers side.

The guy said he would have it fixed before I picked it up next week and I had a good look over the rest of the chasis.

Any help would be much appreciated


  • def_pic.jpg
    350.5 KB · Views: 437
Nasty. I'd suggest getting someone who knows what theyre looking at to give it a once over.

One nasty looking bit usually means alot of other nasty bits hidden elsewhere.

That is alot of paint daubed over... And is that some splattery welding holding on a replacement rear outrigger?
Theres plenty of land rovers out there, might be easiest to walk on by as if he is selling it he may do the minimum to bodge it to sell it.

That said he might be genuine and do the repair well. Have a look at a few others before committing to something.
Run away run away. Seriously, there are lots of 'fenders out there, they can be enough trouble as it is with out buying some thing dodgy in the first place.
Why would anyone cut a piece of the chassis out that rough and then do a bodge job making it good? Did the owner not know it was there? or did he say how it got there. Looks like it may have been bottomed out at that point or a jack / axle stand went through it. The steel looks very soft.
If you want it done without a bodge drop it off at mine and I'll weld it up, MOT man never found the foot long section I replaced on the old series ;) you're about half an hour drive from me

If he's done that I'm presuming his idea of a weld will be some chemical metal……cant think of any reason why you'd need to rip that up and bodge it back together like that
Certainly one of the oddest bits of chassis I've seen

Think I'd be very wary

I'd say if the rest is solid though it'll be reet

Mainly because he's put down a deposit of an unknown amount and I doubt the guy will give it back. As I said though make sure you check his work if you trust him to do something better than fibreglass or chemical metal :rolleyes:

I'd say if the rest is solid though it'll be reet

Mainly because he's put down a deposit of an unknown amount and I doubt the guy will give it back. As I said though make sure you check his work if you trust him to do something better than fibreglass or chemical metal :rolleyes:

If it's just the one patch, possibly Dr. But I stand by that being a damn strange place for damage like that:rolleyes:
If it's just the one patch, possibly Dr. But I stand by that being a damn strange place for damage like that:rolleyes:

Yeah I'm wondering why its there too, my series chassis was rotten there but not to that extent and it had sat in a field for most of its life!
Looking at the pic close up it would appear to be torn but the original metal is still under the repair. I reckon its had a knock off road and ripped it if not it was rotten and he smacked it up into the chassis to cover then filled
Can see its torn rather than cut. Not straight enough to be grinder and I'd expect a better cut from oxy but he could have an unsteady hand
Just wondering actually if its a fracture from overloading like the hi cap cranes get. Notice far right it's cracked vertically

Would edit into one post but on phone
Just wondering actually if its a fracture from overloading like the hi cap cranes get. Notice far right it's cracked vertically

Would edit into one post but on phone

It's a stress tear caused by flexing at a weakened part of the chassis. You can see a welded, overlaid patch on the far right and it possibly had another to the left of it around the curve....assume it dropped off :eek:

It is repairable but it needs doing properly and re-enforcing as far back as the crack has gone....which unfortunately is rather easy to hide.

I'd be very wary. Personally I want money off the agreed price and do it meself or get it done by someone I know and trust
Yeah couple of strengtheners inside the chassis wall is what I'd do if repairing then overlay with a new 3mm skin as far back to good metal as it needs.

Still happy to do the job if he wants and if its the seller that repaired that in the first place I agree with you! Money off and get it done by someone else, similar repair to the one I did on my 109 chassis where it had buckled due to half the chassis leg rotting through. Needed some internal cross bracing but was fine after that and has now been used by someone to rebuild a 109 S2 estate onto
it does look like a repair thats failed give it a whack with a hammer and see what happens, then check the rest of the chassis over and haggle for a discount
Yeah, lump hammer is a good option ;)

Find as much rot as possible and make sure he gives a discount, also means its on show for the next buyer if you walk away. If he knows its solid he wont care if you give it a "tap"
damage that bad, treated by hiding with filler, should be viewed as an indictation of the rest of the chassis ! unless you are prepared for a chassis replacement project, WALK AWAY, even without your deposit.

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