
New Member
Hi all, I am new to the forum. I have a defender 90 200tdi, recently I had a feeling issue which I tracked down to being my lift pump. I changed that and it seemed to solve the problem, it ran fine for about a week or two and then suddenly decided it didn't want to start again. I noticed bubbling from the pipe leading from the lift pump to the fuel filter housing. So I remembered that I had a new pipe in my lift pump kit and swiftly put that on. The internal diameter of the new pipe seemed a bit smaller than the old but I swapped it anyway as it is the right part. Now it starts and sounds fine for about 20 seconds and then turns really lumpy like its struggling to tick over. My guess is fuel starvation and so I've ordered another pipe from John craddock, which they now tell me is taking 7 working days to arrive, great.

I then noticed that the same connection to the lift pump is bubbling again so I've put a bit of gasket seal on the thread.... Still running really lumpy. I've done a bit of bleeding to get some air out but still the same.

Any ideas?

The stop solienoid is new and the air filter is clean, it's got to be air in the system hasn't it? I've not changed anything, I've not decreased the fuel flow In any way.

The only other thing I can think of is the new lift pump had one of those thick space gaskets fixed to it which the old one didn't have but it seemed to run fine for the week or two with it like that. If anything it's coming through the seal after the the lift pump so that seems to be fine.

I've not even really asked many questions here just a frustrated rambelling whilst I wait an age for new parts.

Has anyone out there had any similar issues?

Thank you all
new parts can fail quickly nowadays , if lift pump pipe is bubbling it isnt sealed ,system will need to be checked and sorted

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