Hi all,

At the weekend, went out in my N reg 90 and did a bit of simple greenlaning. Moved from Hi to Lo and it was fine, then moved from Lo to Hi when on the road and it popped out. Stopped, put back into Hi and then popped out again after another couple of hundred yards.

Then stopped, pushed it into Hi and then the lever went limp. No gears engaging either.

Managed to get a tow back and a retired mechanic I know had a look at it and managed to get it 'connected' again but it's now in diff lock the whole time and the hi/lo lever is out of the equation. This was only a temp fix to allow me to back it into my parking space and it's not really something my friend wants to get involved in.

Is the transfer box dead? Can they be reconditioned/repaired? Any idea of cost or will it need to be replaced?

Sorry, not the most amount of technical info but admittedly i am pretty clueless when it comes to the mechanics side of it.

Any help/advice gratefully received.

i do agree with landy 3.9, If someone can post a piccy of the linkage, i would but i have only just put the gearbox tunnel back on.

Did your mechanic lift part of the floor out to get at the linkage?
If your mech has got it to stay in gear and as long as your jumping out of gear was not accompanied by loud noises and lots of grinding etc. it will definitely be the selector linkage come loose or broken.
its normally the split pins iin the lincage that carrode and rust and break just to leave the linkage flapping about in mid air
lift out the transmission tunnel - handful of bolts in the floor.

Then, move the lever about and look at the linkage, it should be obvious which bit isn't moving properly any more.
I managed to break the weld on the hi low lever that goes onto the selector shaft when I changed at speed far too enthusistically. Luckily I was going from low to high. I couldn't get low again just sprung back at me. I took the ali housing off re welded up the broken weld making sure not to get anything too hot and keeping it all in the correct position and jobs a goodun hopefully yours will be a similar quick fix.

Hi everyone,

Thank you all for your responses and the kind offer of a transfer box.

Based on what you have said I am going to have someone look at it. Fingers crossed that's the problem as I was thinking the worst.

Will let you know how I get on.

Cheers :)

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