
New Member

Gutted my RR today to de-rust (not very much!) the floors and inside of the doors, as well as to replace my driver's window motor, which had phutted out LONG before I bought it. The top of the dash has to come off to be moulded for a touchscreen and the bottom has to come off for respraying.
I've just finished school and have 18 months on my hands, so I'm taking it as a project and importing some Cape Beech from South Africa (my homeland) for door retrim, as well as satin to replace the cloth on the doors.

And another problem - under heavy acceleration, it produces smoke and "is awful shtink" according to dad, who drove behind me the last day.
It used to reek of burning oil, but since the mechanic bent the dipstick back into place (it was pushing oil out the top), it's lessened. Oh well, dropping it back to him to strip it down while I'm in Denmark.

So how do I remove a Classic's dash?


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