Paul Leinichen

Active Member
Hi all,

I need to get a tachograph fitted to my D2 TD5 and need somewhere to put it - currently have radio converted to a standard size single DIN (so I could fit a Bluetooth phone enabled radio) and have a Mud Pod on the dash to house switches for additional lights & additional power / charge ports (and on top of which the CB is mounted and my satnav sits).

From what can see on good old Google, there's two options:

To have a modified dash (lose the drinks holders - no worry as I've got the US style ones fitted to the sides of the tunnel anyway - and drop heater controls down to make a double DIN radio aperture into which I could then fit my single DIN radio + a single DIN digital tachograph).


To replace the Mud Pod with a larger variety of pod which has space to fit a single DIN unit (into which the tachograph could then go) and also has space to fit the half dozen additional switches, power socket & couple of USB charger ports and still sit CB & satnav on top.

Now I know both exist - I can see them on Google Images - but i'll be damned if I can find either for sale anywhere!!!

Does anyone have either (or both) tucked away in a shed not being used that they'd like to swap for some beer tokens?

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