
New Member
Last night i decided to take my discovery td5 home i noticed the battery on my phone was running low so i plugged it in ( engine running lights on ) to my surprise all the dash lights went out ie binacle hevac unit etc etc . so i thought no biggies it will just be a blown fuse.....nope i was out in -2 till gone 10 last nite tryin to find the bugger with no joy atm i have the fuses box out with no signs of water ingress or any thing like this... also speedo binacle is removed and i have no feed tot he left hand header ( the illumination one ) strangest thing is all my norml lights work and i know the illumination is from fuse33 r/h side light...any one had this b4...or could point to an idea next step is to remove engine fuse box and ispect but atm just scanning raves wiring diags.
cheers in advance

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