
New Member
Since going along a semi-flooded road my Traction control,ABS,Descent warning lights have failed to go out. Is there an easy fix ie WD40 clean protect connectors or will I need to get a rest tool to reset these lights?
With all respect to you there's hardly a page on this forum without reference to this issue it's almost as common as dogsiht.
Do what we all did & make yourself a cup of tea , sit down , do a search and enjoy what you find..............................
Whilst you are doing a search have a look for brake light switch, seems to often be the problem.
Whilst you are doing a search have a look for brake light switch, seems to often be the problem.

Whilst not wishing to discount your suggestion I'd offer a warning that simple fixes to this problem are very rare . I reached this conclusion after spending some considerable time reading the archives on here .
I desperatly hoped that it could be solved by something like you suggested but do you know that that solution is only valid on circa post 2000 vehicles .Vehicles prior to that have the two wire brake switch which has no connection to the ABS ecu .
I too acted on incorrect but well meant info and purchased a replacement switch which only wasted time and brought disappointment.
As the OP hasn't enlightened us as to what year / model he has I'd avoid any suggestions as to the fault.
The only way to ascertain what is or has happened is to get a code reader onto the car otherwise you will enjoy the drip , drip feeling of spending money chasing the fault.
Maybe we should ask the OP what year his 1.8 Freelander is then we could rule out the stop light switch. Not yet had this problem so just going on what other members have suggested in the past. It would be helpful if posters could include in their signature what year and model of Freelander they were referring to as this would save time asking or searching their personal details, always assuming that they have included these details in their stats.
I'd agree Nick
After reading my post again it may have been a mite sharp .......
It was not meant to be , my point was to the OP to give us the necessary info if he needs or wants help.
PS I hope you don't get the " three amigos " fault as they can be a real PITA to get rid of , and I speak from experience .:mad:
Ref my question It's a 1999 1.8 Freelander. I have checked the sensors oin the brake circuit but still cannot get the warning lights to go out. Many thanks for advice.
I'm afraid my advice to you is to get the system interrogated to see what codes are stored within the ABS section.
This is not a cop out but because there are many and varied causes for this insidious problem and unfortunatly you will end up either being exceptionally lucky in finding it or more likely chasing your tail with much expense included.
I speak from bitter experience .
Good luck and keep us informed.

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