
New Member
I recently replaced the watts linkage on Oude Besse, and let's just say the tires were well on way but even after replacing the linkage the tires have still deteriorated on the inside tread line. Is this just "the damage was done" or is there something else that is causing my tires to wear unevenly. Getting a new set fitted next week and to be honest I don't want to put brand newies on if they're gonna be eaten by the tarmac trolls unevenly too. So has anyone else experienced this, if so, any ideas on how to cut the little tarmac trolls down in their tracks please.
Many thanks in advance Matt.
you need a complete front end alignment and have the back axle checked for tracking. worn bushing in back can cause front tyres to wear
Sorry. It's the inside tread of the rear tyre's that's wearing still. But thank you, will get tracking and bushes checked.
If the tyres are already worn unevenly, then no matter what you replace the tyres will continue to wear unevenly until replaced. Say your tyre is 4mm inside and 7mm outside, you fix suspension. Now if all is well your tyre will wear to 3mm/6mm then 2mm/5mm and so on. You will only get even wear On new tyres. I hope that makes sense. My van does this but On the outside, peugeot deny there's a problem with it although it's my fourth partner van and they all do it (Citroen berlingos too - same van). But there's no adjustment to be made so I have to live with it. Hope that makes some sense.
I hope my pics work. I brought my tyre D day forward. One tyre was delaminating. Only kingpin but £220fitted and balanced. I'm happy. Hopefully this cures the problem. Thank you for your replies.


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