
I’ve got an oil leak right at the back of the engine, it’s up high (rocker cover area I think) going by the previous mot advisories it’s been there for a few years and really isn’t to bad however I would like to fix it if it ain’t going to be a pain in the arse to do, however looking at it the leak appears to be behind a cover and there doesn’t look like there’s much room between the engine and bulkhead so my question is ..... is this a common fault? And is it worth fixing or just clean it up and keep an eye on the oil level?

Rocker gasket it's got a half moon shape at the back and it's a bugger to seat properly.

Couple of bolts in a tight squeeze will see the rear plastic cover off. Bet you only put 1 of em back....

Acoustic cover off the engine, 13 bolts will get the rocker cover off. Replace gasket dry, no sealant job done.

Just make sure that half moon bit of rubber is seated properly.

You may want to change the 13 rubber seals for the bolts as well
No worries, check your ecu red plug for oil while your at it, perfect time to change injector harness unless you've already come across that quirk :rolleyes:

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