
New Member
Finally the ice has melted, and my washers work. Well all but the headlight washer set. Not sure whether the motor has burnt out as the fuse is fine. It may be the relay however as I have not swapped it yet.

Any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.:)
Which fuse have you checked ? if they were frozen, using them or attempting to (which i know you have no choice over) can easily overload the pump and pop the fuse.
Not entirely sure about the D2 - but the D1's only spray for a second when the windscreen is washed AND the lights are on...
Closer look it was the fuse in the engine bay set 20A, I was looking at the wiper squirter single fuse inside the vehicle. Thanks for the help, first electrical mishap with the car in a year, need to gain a bit more knowledge in 2011 :)

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