
New Member
I have a 80k 2006 TD4 which has been running fine but recently had rare bouts of pulsing at idle. We were driving to the airport in the early hours, had been on the motorway about an hour at 70mph, rain and wind were heavy and getting lot of backwash from traffic when engine lost power. Tried to restart but no luck, occasional short burst firing up but died straight away. Waited 90 mins for recovery. Tried Restarting again, no luck. Mechanic used easy start or fast start or whatever and started straight away. He said that most likely the glow plugs needed replacing. Anyway, continued journey to airport, a little faster, for 2 hours, rain wind still bad but no issues (other than just missing flight by 5 mins and having to fork out for new tickets!).

Returned to car a week later, started instantly and was ok, weather perfect, again driving for an hour, started to feel it missing and losing power. Had to keep teasing the engine with the throttle to keep it going (if this makes sense), or sometimes dropping a gear, and the firing/power would catch again. Managed to get to within a mile from home but lost power on an uphill slip road to the roundabout off the motorway. I couldn't keep it going and it wouldn't restart once stopped, ended up flattening battery. Had to be towed home. Charged battery overnight, really cold, heavy first this morning but started instantly.

This (along with the issue only starting once the engine was warm) make me think that the glow plugs aren't the problem but can't say i am an expert on diesel engines.......

Any help very much appreciated!!!
Glow plugs when the engine is hot is he having a laugh? more than likely your fuel pump or blocked fuel filter

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