
New Member
Hi all, I've been in Land rover's & green laning for over 10yrs.. I've always gone around Wales & have done properly just about every lane in North & mid Wales, but talking with the 2 couples mates I go with, we decided on broadening are searches & thinking about trying Cumbria & the Lakes.. I've done my research & found loads of lanes (I must say impressed with the gov website as well) but I was wondering weather anyone would be kind an advise me as to what is worth doing, obviously I'm not gonna name places on here because I know how people get funny about it (I understand why).. I'm looking for something that challenges you & not just a gravel road.. Or another area it anyone has any better ideas & is willing to point me in a direction worth investigating or even willing to give me some names or grid references.. Any help would be great full thanx regards
well the one by the lake is ace but the one through the forest is prity good too then along the valley and over the mountain is a cracker.

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