I have Standard L332 Range Rover, road tyres fitted. Not owned car long, never done any off road driving, looking for a lane to do whilst in Cumbria weekend 15th November. Would need to be easy for a begginer would be on our own with no recovery equipment.
I have done most of lanes in Cumbria on motorcycles. Is the one near St. John’s in the vale still passable and not to difficult I recall it’s parallel with the A66 at the north end of A591. Near a mining museum sign post.
Hi Joe,
You're probably best off posting this in the Green Laning section, if you haven't done so already.

You're bound to get told at some point, but try not to get off roading and green laning mixed up, there is a big difference (I think there's a pinned thread in the green laning section) and we've some very passionate people on LZ.
But you'll find threads for the different areas, and everyone's pretty helpful.
Warning Greenlaner are weirdos