
New Member
I have a 1992 110 defender, with a leaking crankshaft oil seal(engine oil is repeatidly leaking from the flywheel housing).up til now i've just put up with it but today i thought i'd do something about it so i asked for a quote from my local garage and to my surprise they said £1250 please!!!
and that was with me supplying the bits.
He told me that because it's a 92 model i would need to take the gearbox out between the seats?
is this true?
why can't the gearbox be dropped like most cars?
how long would it take me to do?
would it take two people?
would i be able to do it with just a trolly jack?
i'm not a mechanic but have a basic understanding of such things.
anybody got any idea's,


a day ,becareful gearbox and transfer box wiegh about 15 stone together,its worth buying gasket err1440 from 200 tdi cut of bottom but not too short to go between flywheel housing and block ,might be easier removing engine,you dont have to remove seat box just tunnel ,floor plates to drop out of bottom
ok thanks jamesmartin. i hav'nt got anything to take the engine out with so i''ll have to drop the gearbox and transferbox. the gasket i've got is for the 2.5 n/a and its a genuine L/R,whats the differance with the one from the 200tdi then?
there are 2 x leak from rear of engine ,rear main oil seal leaks into flywheel housing,joint round main brg cap leaks between block and flywheel housing, you can use silicone but 200 gasket is better
I had a look at QuickValve dot CO dot UK.

Looks like a fast way for a malicious person to make a BIG mess under my car.

Not for me.

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