
New Member
Hi everyone,
Recently I have changed the crankcase breather filter ( by the looks of it, it was never changed since launch) and after I've put everything together again I realized I have forgotten to put the" O "ring to the filter.Now my question is; Is it that important that I have to go to the whole process to put it on?And what is it there for anyway? Thanks everyone.
Thanks Freelandie for your reply But I would like a more specific answer to know if there's no harm done if left without for the time being.Finished with a bad back and have to wait until better.cheers
Ok mate thanks, that's good enough for me.I'll do it as soon as I'm better.My back is killing me but I'm hoping for a better tomorrow.
Was it the BMW vortex one ? If not a bit of a waste of time fitting the loo roll one :eek:
Hi DTO, Yes it is the loo roll one.I've got a couple of them,so might aswell use them now. can you show me the bmw ones if not to much bother please.thanks

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