
Well-Known Member
hi all

I've looked and found alsorts over a long period of time but basically wot antifreeze can I put in my 300 disco and is there one that I absolutely cannot put in it, I've got this stuff that looks green against black and looks pink against white. I see it says O.A.T on the back but I'm not sure on it all, and I don't know wot came out but it looked pinkish red

Any advice greatfully received


Well if you want my wild guess I'd say by the fact it says extended life and mentions OAT on the back then it is probably OAT. Personally I wouldn't risk it and stick to standard 2 year stuff, have heard that OAT can actually start to eat certain metals in the engine / cooling system if it isn't designed for it (the A stands for acid). Just treat you 300 to what it was designed to use, may actually work out cheaper?
Thanks for that

Thing is I can't find a definite answer on wot it's meant to have in it, even the owners hand book just says use ethylene glycol based with no methanol and must be suitable for ally wot is oat suitable/unsuitable for???


Thanks for that

Thing is I can't find a definite answer on wot it's meant to have in it, even the owners hand book just says use ethylene glycol based with no methanol and must be suitable for ally wot is oat suitable/unsuitable for???


I think OAT either eats copper or steel (although not 100% sure which one), older engines like ours generally have copper / steel radiators. New cars normally have aluminium / plastic so the issue doesn't arise.
Cheers for that. I'm of the belief that old stuff is ok in either but oat is only ok in wot it's meant for sort of thing. My main concern is that wot came out was pinkish red and it's now on its second time of water only to help flush it out as if I put old type back in I don't want the possibility of gelling, obviously

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