
Well-Known Member
I Started to make use of the slightly better weather this week and thought id work through "the list" of little odd jobs on the landy, such as the passenger seat belt always getting soaking wet.

So i dropped the passenger seat out, unbolted the the two 13mm bolts holding the seat belt in, and the chassis mounting bracket and well..... I was faced with this.

On top:



And then i started poking, and soon ended up with this:



O dear! I said. So i had a dig around in the garage and found a piece of 3mm Ali that looked about the right size.

Trimmed it down to fit nicely, lined the holes up with the chassis mounting bracket drill those out, and two smaller holes to ensure it located properly, and drop a couple of rivets in to make sure it was in the right positon.


Then i cut out all the corroded crap and cleaned the edges up as best i could it was a pain in the ass to get any kind of tools in there, so one hack saw blade, some small tin snip and a file later I managed to get it looking like this.


I was pretty convinced that the reason the seat belt was gettin wet was because of this hole and the fact water has just been spraying up at the base of the seat belt.

So I put a bead of silicon all the way around the hole and then rivited the new plate over the top.


Gave the area and the plate a clean and slightly sanded the plate down to give me a good key, couple of coats of acid etch primer.
And luckily i had a little bit of colour matched paint left from when i repaired the bulk head.


Meanwhile I cleaned up the chassis mounting bracket and welded two new bolts on as the others snapped when i removed them. Gave it a couple coats of underseal and bolted it back up.


Stuck another bit of silicon around the two mounting holes on top to be double sure that no water can get in.

Then bolted the seat belt back in place.



Im pretty please with the results as fabrication isnt my forte!
And up until now the seat belt has stayed dry.
cheers Disco,

Wasnt the hardest job in the world, but still pays to take your time and make a nice job of it, means it doesnt stand out too much!!
Good repair, the silicon will isolate different metals helping prevent further corrosion.
Thanks tot, Yes this was partly the reason i did it, as well as trying to stop some of the water ingress.
Thanks for this

Just done on mine, albeit my fixing bolts stayed in place so was able to use a bit of card to make a template for the holes!

4" wide plate fitted perfectly, but could have used slightly longer rivets :eek:

Quick and easy and was able to do without removing the seats, apart from fighting for ages to get one of the seat belts to unwind again!
I feel for you.
Went though the same problems. Lucky I have a brother who is a welder so here's our repair. A lot more corrosion. If I was in any type of crash I'm not sure it would have stayed attached to the floor. Should have done what you did and put some silicone in I didn't think of water ingress. Lol

Nice repair job, mine is as bad, real shame.
I purchased a newer td5 one as a replacement as I was quoted stupid money to repair the original one
You can see the extent of mine in my avatar pic, I bought repair sections from YRM. Haven't fitted them yet.

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