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Has anyone taken or know someone who has taken a Freelander TD4 up the corrieyairack pass?

I have done some research and it looks tough but possible. I want to do it before the weather gets really Sh*t in scotland!

If its too tough where else is a good pplace to go?

It's been blocked at one end by some **** of a landowner, and most if not all of it currently closed due to the state of the surface. Or so I've been told.
just been plotting that one on memory map for my trip to scotland next year and the OS map doesnt show a track or right of way at the northern end... literally in sight of the A82.

anyone care to expand?

ooo ooo ooo! can you drive the "devils staircase"? just found it near Glen Coe doesnt look like a track, but is labelled as General Wade's Road

That's the corrieairack pass I think I'll post a link to it in a minute or two.
well after seeing that i wont be attempting it anytime soon! that looks seriusly hard! i actulayy got a response from scotways who said " its your own risk if a land owner takes a dislike to you being there, and its also designated to become a historic scottish monument, which if damaged can be punishable by death" well i made the death bit up!

but you may get the drift.

Any other palces anyone know of, that u dont have to pay for?
well griffdowg tell all the locations haha!!

if you give me road or place names i can find myself lol

AFAIK The Corrieyairack pass is a public road. I along with members of the SLROC crossed it a few times in the 1980's. But.... We tried again in the 1990's and found that there was a lot of resistance to using it. At the time one of the larger scottish newspapers ran an article about it and this ended up with the road being "classified" as an anchient monument by Historic Scotland (it is after all one of the Wade military roads). At the time the landowner (who tried to stop us using the road)at the west end also put up a large fence etc to stop its use.

You need to be careful as to its status as a road, remember that Scotland has different laws than the rest of the UK on this (and many other) subject(s).

Regarding the "drivability" of the road, on one occasion a Fiat Panda 4x4 crossed it with us (and I have pulled a volvo estate car back once it got stuck about half way up!). Unless the condition has deteriorated any road going vehicle in reasonable condition should be able to cross it ok.


PS FYI TD4 the weather does not get Sh*t in Scotland......It's always Sh*t
I did the Corrie Pass back in the late 80s in an old series 2 and got cross axled on one of the hairpins about half way up, had to let it roll back and have another go, when you see the drop behind you it has quite a buttock clenching effect !!! you should be able to find it on the maps as Laggan bridge to Fort William.
ZD - the weather in glasgow is glorious today as i look out my office window!

where else you recomend for some decent off roading? I have been scouring OS maps to find some stuff but as i have just spent a weekend of driving about for nothing i am extremely tempted to just ask around......which i am now doing!!

any good routes you know of Zebra driver?

you looked at general wades road (GWMR) south of Glen Coe? there is a route which follows the main road for a bit, looks pretty cool on the maps, but i dont know about drivability (sp.) it does follow a route open to the public, so that sohuld be ok from that point of view.


you can get on it at Tyndrum, if you follow it up the way you can get up to the auch estate! if you go to the right when you get to the junction there is a lower road which has a good ford on it to cross.

not much off roading though its more of a forest track, still a nice drive though.
what happens if you carry on past the estate onto "bridge of orchy" it heads northwest of the main road and looks pretty good.

i got another route for you too... from kinlochmore heading west/northwest toward fort william across the mountains.

Just be careful in Scotland as we have very few legal "green lanes". If you read LROI and some of the other mags you will notice that whenever they do an article about driving from one end of the country to the other they always start/stop at the border.

There are a couple of off road sites where you can go and (pay and) play - Drumclog is not too far away from Glasgow and one of the contributors to one of the other forums (landrovernet) is presently organising a weekend bash (if that's the right word) soon.

Your other option is to join one of the LR clubs and enter one of the more gentle events IE a Tyro trial. This will get you access to what is normally a large piece of hillside somewhere in Scotland

thats what i need to find out zeb. im trying to plan a route around around scotland which will incorporate wild camping and legal offroad driving. kinda like a mini expedition if you will. so far ive got a few routes (not sure on status) around loch lomand, fort william, glen coe. planning on heading north NW to the top, cape wrath, then back down through the cairngorms... sort of.

it still needs alot of planning.

do you know of any other legal routes i may look into?


Take great care in Scotland, because the whole question of "rights of way" is different from England.

Since last year we all have rights of access more or less anywhere, but that EXCLUDES rights in motor vehicles, which should stay on the public roads, or on other roads to which the public MAY have access rights.

Access rights does NOT mean you have free access to drive the road just because you feel like doing so. It means you MAY use to road to get to a property on that road because that road is the "access" to the property.

Our little road here is one of those.

Even the police have to have my permission to drive on it.


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